September 28, 2011

It has now become a highly anticipated tradition for our sweet homeschool friends. September's date at Riley's "apple farm" {joyfully named by the Naraki brothers} in Oak Glen. We become pioneers for a portion of the day. Experiencing life on the frontier. Not sitting in a classroom, reading facts out of a textbook. But living it. Working it. And it is
pure bliss. If you have never experienced Riley's, I highly recommend you check out their website HERE and plan your visit.

Leaving the city behind, we roll up through the gravel road and breathe in life. Gorgeous sky. Beautiful, natural landscape. Rustic farm life. We hear the sweet sound of banjo strings plucking a friendly welcome. And an instant calm fills the air. Peaceful, relaxed life.

The day is full of educational goodness and pure fun. Because we have experienced this field trip before, the children are familiar with the farm and some of the activities. They look forward to certain tasks. And are also surprised by a few new learning opportunities. We got dirty. We worked hard. We were busy...


BREWING + DRINKING! {Coffee for the mamas and papas, fresh from the fire... SO yummy.}



PUMPING + HANGING! {Working to get water makes you appreciate it just a little more.}


GARDENING! {Just look at those lovely berries.}



SAWING! {Yes, that is a two year old working a real saw. Supervised of course. No fake, toy experiences here. This is the real deal.}

BUILDING! {Since most of our group has read the Little House series, the log cabin building is a favorite activity. Little House in the Big Woods is a perfect chapter book to read before going to the farm. It just makes each activity much more meaningful.}

DISCOVERING! {Isaak has a new fascination with chains, so he was smitten to find this collection!}

PANNING! {A brief lesson on the California Gold Rush, and then off to find our own.}

GRINDING! {A brief lesson on corn harvesting and eating, and then off to experience it.}

EATING! {The BEST caramel apples! Don't miss out on one.}

REMEMBERING! {All the goodness of life on the farm, until next year.}

We also had a tractor/hay ride through the farm. We washed and crushed apples. We played good ol' fashioned tug of war. Enjoyed a picnic lunch. And ended the day drinking icy cold apple cider. We love Riley's farm. You will too. Go. You will be so glad you did.

1 comment:

The Melvin Fam said...

you captured the day beautifully :)