October 26, 2010

I have a thing for branches + sticks. And tend toward them in decorating for the holidays. At Christmas, they hang our stockings.

At Easter, they remind us of Calvary.

But I have never thought to use them in the Autumn. Thanks to my good friend, I have been inspired to do so. SEE HERE. So, Isaak and I have been busy collecting leaves, we found an awesome fallen branch, and enjoyed an evening of creating our masterpiece. I am quite happy with the result. Happy Autumn friends. Enjoy the delights of the season.

{On a side note, I owe a thanks to my husband for this shot. As I was setting up to capture this, he recommended several options in which to capture the picture. Did I listen... I think not. I did my own thing, and after several failed attempts, I chose to swallow my pride and listen to the man. He came in to help and captured this in one click of the button. Sometimes... I am lame! Thanks love. Oh, AND... he dipped the biggest leaves in the hot wax, because they did not fit in the pan and he had to use his fingers in the hot wax to gently bend the leaves to coat them. He rocks! Again, thanks love.}


Greta said...

I love all of those! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing. And please tell Scott that the shot looks great! :)

Naomi said...

I love it!! A piece of nature in the home, how memorable and fun for the kids to be involved too. So glad I can glean from you girls, you're amazing!!