June 9, 2010

"My Father's Gun" by Elton John is prompting this post. Along with a little red, I must confess. But truly, music... oh, sweet music, I soar when I am accompanied by my favorite tunes. I feel like the bird above. Flying free. Soaring. Cheesy, sure. But, oh... so true. Confession- I am a music snob. And lately, I rarely have time to enjoy MY music. The tunes that bring me to another place. Where I am in the midst of beats, melodies, bass lines, drum sequences. Yes, I listen closely. And find freedom in music. All kinds of music. Again, I am a music snob. If you don't like what I like, well- you are missing out friend. Missing out big. Sorry. Perhaps one day I will grow in this area. But think about it. You hear a tune. It brings you to a favorite place. A memory. A time. Or, just pure bliss. Hymns, folksongs, jazz, classical, rock, hardcore... I have a place for it all. Yes... I confess... even Rage Against the Machine. Judge if you will. But this is me. We went to see U2 the night before I was sliced in two and my kidney was pulled out of me to give to my brother. Rage Against the Machine opened for them. I didn't know them then. I do now. And I love them. So much, that several weeks ago the Mr. and I went on a date night. We went to a fab restaurant and bar in our new neighborhood of Venice. The best part for me... the drive there. Listening to Rage. I know, sad. But me. Music is BIG in my life. When I was director of a preschool, we had a staff in-service day. A day of encouragement. Where we did 10 different things for 10 different people. One of which included going to a real recording studio and busting out 3 songs, together. That spoke of who we were. Bonding indeed. Don't ask if I have a voice. Just know that I love to sing. Judge once more if you must... but here is another confession: I WANT AN AUTOHARP! Yup. If it was good for June Carter Cash, than so it is for me. I want to host music days for our homeschool group, leading with an autoharp. A vintage, old school autoharp. I want to teach these sweet kids sweet tunes. I want them to develop a love for music. A passion for music. And you? What is your relationship with music? How has it impacted your life? What is your favorite? If you ask me, I'm sure you will hear a list rattled off of artists + songs you have never even heard of. If you're interested, I'd love to share. I love to talk music. If you are not quite getting this post, then we must talk. And listen. Now go put on your favorite tunes. Turn up the volume. Close your eyes. And just feel the music. (Yes, I know... utter music dork! Do enjoy though. I know you want to!)


Tammy Callis said...

Oh, I too want you to lead our home school with an autoharp. I can picture it now! You and Ryan should talk music, he loves it as much as you, and he's also a snob. I too love music though. Let's see here are some of my favorites: Camera Obscura, Rolling Stones, Barrett Johnson, Elliot Smith, Belle and Sebastian, Simon and Garfunkel, Mason Jennings, Little Wings, Built to spill, The Pixies, The Breeders, Modest Mouse, The Flaming Lips, Pavement, The White Stripes, Will Oldham, The Danielsons, and Sufjan Stevens. Are any of these your favorites as well? Thanks for the post!

Greta said...

The autoharp rocks, lady! We just re-watched Walk the Line and both Aaron and I were digging June's autoharp. Aaron's mom used to play one and so he really has good memories of it. I also like the dulicmer and the banjo. I would love to learn to play the fiddle. Violin yes, but fiddle, TOTALLY.
Perhaps we need to talk about a mom's music group. In our free time..........
Love from,

Tannis said...

Haaa, love the Rage...it's a little awkward when the kids start singing along while moshing through the house though. What did he say mom? I didn't catch that word.