October 10, 2009

today i am grateful for time with our whole family. out for a walk. breathing in the abundant, simple beauty of nature.
:: lovely bark
:: a content ezra
:: a snowy egret, isaak identified this bird after utilizing his new field guide of birds
:: walking the trail, isaak finding his favorite treasures... sticks
:: amazing tree trunk
:: isaak using a tree stump for a stool & desk to draw his
observations in his nature study journal, little red berries
:: discovering tree trunks & stumps
:: gorgeous, busy spiders
a fine day, indeed. find a piece of nature. breathe it in. enjoy.


j o n i said...

mama...i guess you're nearer to us now that you are moved. it's time to schedule a playdate, yes?

Jennifer said...

not moved yet. probably not until the new year now. but we are there at least once a week. would love to schedule a playdate.