June 26, 2009

oh, how i adore children's artwork.  it truly is amazing to see god's creations through the heart and hand of a child. simply given paper and artist oil pastels, isaak joyfully and intentionally created his masterpiece.  "look!  i made the sun, a rainbow, and some squirrely mountains!"  indeed my love.  i see them beautifully.  be encouraged.  take time to joyfully and intentionally create. it surely does fill the heart.  


Aunt B said...

Dear Isaak,

I love your artwork, especially the squirrely mountains...very creative!!

You've inspired me to get out drawings that my kids made when they were little. I'm going to select one from each of them and frame them...they bring back a lot of memories & stories!

I heard that you made a picture for your Grandma that she framed...that's so sweet!!

Hugs & kisses,

Aunt B

Grammy said...

Aunt B, you're right, grammy framed
Isaak's artwork, and the other day
we had a gentleman at the house who thought it was an original/professional piece of artwork! He was so impressed when I told him it was painted by my
3-year old grandson! Hey, maybe that's the key to our retirement...
honey, get out the canvas & paint!