February 28, 2012


We spent a little time romping through nature today. The sun was shining through the trees, birds and butterflies were flying about. And the kiddos were laughing silliness. It was a lovely time. But brief. Because poor lil' Ezra had two falls within minutes of each other, flat on his nose. There are times as a mama when you know you need to brush off your kiddos and send 'em straight back to explore. And then there are those times that you just know it is best to be thankful for the time that was had, and say goodbye. Today, we said goodbye.

But there was plenty to be thankful for...

Isaak enjoyed the day.

Ezra enjoyed {most} of the day.

Silas enjoyed the day.

And mama enjoyed the day. And was thankful to come home to this new to me, but vintage, sweet little set of field guides...

We came home and used them right away!

This book...

to identify this beautiful Butterfly.

This book...

to identify these sweet little flowers.

And this book...

to identify this Hummingbird.

We hope our next day in nature is a bit longer + without owies.
But are always thankful for the time to explore.

Hope you find some time to go out and enjoy a little piece of nature with your littles.


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